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I.fl.d Calendars , etc. ki
A.D. 1437-1445
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THIS volume carries the Calendar of Fine Rolls down to the end of the twenty- third year of the reign of Henry VI. The object and character of this Calendar are explained in the preface to the volume for the reign of Edward I. The text has been prepared by Mr. P. V. Davies, M.A., F.S.A., and the index has been compiled by Mr. J. H. Collingridge, M.A., both of this Office.
PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, 14 January, 1937.
Page 369, column 1, line 9 from, foot. For Ippeney read Epney.
" 415> 2. Add Eckington, Egyngton in Scaresdale,
co. Derby, 357.
,, 416, column 1. Delete Egginton . . ., 357.
Egyngton in Scaresdale. For Egginton read Eckington.
„ 417, column 1. Add Epney, Ippeney [in Moreton Valence], co. Gloucester, 109.
„ 444, column 1, line 16 from foot. Delete 109 and add See Epney.
„ 466, column 1. Add Moreton Valence, co. Gloucester, Epney in, q.v.
„ 497, column 2. Smyth, William, of Egginton. For Egginton read Eckington.
Page 52, line 8. After son insert [recte kinsman]. ,, 153, line 3. After late insert of. ., 321, line 7. Before pourprestures delete and.
1437 MEMBRANE 24.
Nov. 4. Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the county Westminster. of Oxford after the death of Joan late the wife of John Squery, who (que) held of the king in chief.
Nov. 1.
Nov. 1.
Oct. 14.
Oct. 13.
Nov. 10.
Nov. 10.
Nov. 9.
Nov. 8.
Nov. 26.
Dec. 3.
Dec. 5.
Nov. 14.
Writs of diem clausit extremum, after the death of the following persons, directed to the escheators in the counties named :— John Tyrell, knight ; Southampton.
Roger Dalton ; Northampton.
John Seynt John, esquire ; Sussex.
William Thomas, esquire ; Oxford and Berks ; Hereford.
Thomas Markesale ; Essex.
Reynold Lucy, knight ; Hertford ; Kent ; Northampton ; Bedford and Buckingham.
Constance late countess marshal ; Cambridge and Hunt- ingdon ; Warwick and Leicester ; Westmoreland ; Essex and Hertford ; Somerset ; York ; Northampton and Rutland.
Thomas Duffeld ; York.
Elizabeth late the wife of Thomas Duffeld ; York.
John Howard, knight ; Essex and Hertford ; Cambridge ; Norfolk and Suffolk ; Northampton.
John Tyrell, knight ; Essex and Hertford.
Thomas late bishop of Durham ; Northampton.
Edmund Daundesey, esquire ; Southampton and Wilts.
Constance countess marshal ; Norfolk and Suffolk ; Bedford and Buckingham ; Hertford ; Sussex ; York.
1438. Jan. 23.
Jan. 28. Westminster.
Feb. 1.
Feb. 5.
1437. Oct. 29.
1438. Feb. 5.
Feb. 10.
Feb. 19.
March 11.
April 14.
April 4.
May 1.
May 8.
May 12.
May 12.
May 14.
May 14.
May 17.
May 20.
May 24.
Membrane 24 — cont. Edward Hastynges, knight ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
John Chechestre ; Devon.
Joan late the wife of John Chetewynd, who (que) held by knight service of the heir of John earl of Arundell, a minor in the king's ward ; Salop.
Thomas Anketyll ; Dorset.
Elizabeth late the wife of Robert Lovell ; London (William Estfeld, mayor and escheator).
John Merbury, esquire ; Salop and the adjacent march of Wales ; Hereford and the adjacent march of Wales ; Bedford ; Lincoln ; Nottingham ; Leicester ; Hertford.
Alice late the wife of William Fraunceys ; Devon.
Richard Lone ; Stafford.
John Chechestre ; Somerset ; Cornwall.
Oliver Seynt John, knight ; Northampton.
John Halley, esquire ; Lincoln.
Edward Hastynges, knight ; York ; Nottingham.
Blanche late the wife of Robert Chalons knight ; Hereford
and the adjacent march of Wales. Richard Edyncham ; Kent. John Harpeden, knight ; Kent. William Clyfford ; Kent. John Harpeden, knight ; Northampton ; Essex ; Oxford
and Berks. John Kenne ; Northampton ; Somerset ; Gloucester.
William de Strother, esquire ; Northumberland. John Chechestre ; Cornwall.
Agnes late the wife of Robert Broune, who held in dower after the death of the said Robert, a tenant in chief of the king, of the inheritance of Thomas Broune, son and heir of Robert, certain lands which are held of the king in chief ; Berks.
William Whetele ; Norfolk.
Henry Wolford ; Oxford.
1438 Membrane 24 — cont.
April 30. Cecily Dymraok ; Devon.
June 19. John Cokayn, knight ; Warwick ; Derby ; Stafford.
July 2. Robert Baynard ; Southampton and Wilts.
July 4. John Harpeden, knight ; Bedford and Buckingham.
Westminster. William Lynde, esquire ; Buckingham.
Andrew Sperlyng ; Buckingham.
July 4. John Merbury, esquire ; Gloucester.
Westminster. Thomas Bradston ; Gloucester.
Aug. 12. Margaret late the wife of John Cheyne knight ; Gloucester
Dogmersfield. an(j tne adjacent march of Wales. Extrac1 usque hoc.
,,,- MEMBRANE 20.
Nov. 7. Commitment of the counties of Somerset and Dorset to William
Westminster. Stafford during pleasure, so that he answer at the Exchequer as sheriff.
Order to all persons of the counties to be intendant to William as sheriff.
Order to John Seintloo, late sheriff, to deliver the counties to William by indenture.
The like commitments to the following of the counties named : —
Christopher Curwen, ' chivaler ' ; Cumberland.
Robert Ogle, ' chivaler ' ; Northumberland.
John Hykelyng ; Nottingham and Derby.
Philip Tylney ; Lincoln.
Robert Ardern ; Warwick and Leicester.
William Lychefeld, ' chivaler ' ; Salop.
Ralph Basset ; Stafford.
John Pauncefot, ' chivaler ' ; Hereford.
John Beauchamp, ' chivaler ' ; Gloucester.
William Alyngton the younger ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Humphrey Stafford of Grafton, ' chivaler ' ; Bedford and
John Heve[n]yngham, ' chivaler ' ; Norfolk and Suffolk. Richard Aired ; Essex and Hertford. Roger Elmerygge ; Surrey and Sussex. William Fawconer ; Southampton. John Stourton, ' chivaler ' ; Wilts. Thomas Arundell, ' chivaler ' ; Devon. Renfrey Arundell, ' chivaler ' ; Cornwall. Laurence Sherard ; Rutland.
1437. Membrane 20 — cont.
Nov. 7. Commitment of the county of Kent and the castle of Canterbury Westminster. ^o Richard Waller during pleasure, so that he answer at the Exchequer as sheriff and keeper.
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to Richard as sheriff and keeper.
Order to James Fienles, late sheriff, to deliver the county and castle to Richard by indenture.
The like commitments to the following in the counties named : —
John Norys ; Oxford and Berks. Richard Wodevyle ; Northampton. Robert Constable, ' chivaler ' ; York.
Nov. 16. Commitment to Philip Courteney, knight, and Thomas Stowell, Westminster, knight, — by mainprise of John Coppleston of Copleston, co. Devon, esquire, and Walter Porteman of Taunton, co. Somerset, esquire, — of the keeping of the manor of Mynhede, co. Somerset, which Katharine late the wife of Hugh Lutrell knight held on the day of her death in dower of the inheritance of James Lutrell, a minor in the king's ward, the kinsman and heir of Hugh, to wit, the son of John the son of the said Hugh ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of 100 marks, maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings, and supporting all other charges incumbent on the said manor ; pro- vided always that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said Philip and Thomas are bound to pay such larger sum if they will have the keeping : as John bishop of Bath and Wells, to the end that the said Philip and Thomas may have the said keeping, has surrendered in the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 1 [recte 31] January 14 Henry VI, whereby the king committed the keeping of the said manor to him from Michaelmas then last past until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of as much as might be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Pentecost then following [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 264] ; an agreement afterwards made in the Exchequer between the said bishop and the treasurer, that the bishop should pay 100 marks a year for the keeping of the said manor, notwithstanding. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 18. Commitment to William Phelip, lord Bardolf, — by mainprise of Westminster. John Leventhorp of Sabriches worth, co. Hertford, esquire, and William Cotton of Landewade, co. Cambridge, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manor of Bassingborn and of the bailiwick of, Badburgham (of the honour [and] lordship of Richemond), co. Cambridge, with the lands, meadows, feedings, pastures, mills, waters, stews, fisheries, rents, services, bailiwicks, hundreds,
1437. Membrane 20 — cont.
turns, courts, leets. free customs, liberties, franchises, returns of writs and other royal precepts and execution of the same, which pertain to the said manor and bailiwick ; to hold the same, being in the king's hand by the death of John late duke of Bedford, from Michaelmas last for 10 years, at a yearly farm of as much as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Easter next ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 16.
Commitment (with like clause) to Thomas Bodulgath, Richard Dawne, William Warham and Alexander Lermouth, — by main- prise of John Eton of London, esquire, and John Chambre of the county of Norfolk, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manors of Yaverland, Roubergh and Wathe, in the Isle of Wight, co. Southampton, whereof Thomas Russell was seised in his demesne as of fee, who held of the king in chief on the day of his death ; to hold the same from 16 October last for 5 years, at a yearly farm of the extent, or as much as may be agreed upon between them and the treasurer by the Purification next.
By bill of the treasurer.
Oct. 14.
Commitment (with like clause) to Walter Porteman, — by main- prise of William Selman of Wyke, co. Middlesex, ' gentilman,' and John Wolston of Staverton, co. Devon, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of all the lands late of Gilbert Basyng, (who on the day of his death held by knight service of James Luterell, son and heir of John Luterell knight and a minor in the king's ward), which are in the king's hand by the death of the said Gilbert and by reason of the minority of Simon his son and heir ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last until the full age of the said heir at a yearly farm of as much as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Easter next. By bill of the treasurer.
Oct. 19. Commitment of the county of Bristol to Nicholas Freme for Westminster. one year, so that he answer at the Exchequer as sheriff ; the mayor and commonalty having submitted to the king his name, and the names of William Canynges and John Troyt as candi- dates for the office, in accordance with the terms of their charter dated 8 August, 47 Edward III.
Order to the mayor, burgesses and whole commonalty of the
town and suburbs of Bristol to be intendant to Nicholas as sheriff.
Order to John Papenham, late sheriff, to deliver the rolls, writs,
memoranda and all other things in his keeping that relate to the
office to Nicholas by indenture.
1437. Oct. 16.
Membrane 19 — cont. Commitment to John Notte, — by mainprise, found in the
Westminster. Exchequer, of Robert Stouk of Haddeley, co. Suffolk, ' chap- man,' John Illary of Hadley, co. Suffolk, ' dyer,' and Peter Cryswell of the same town, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of the manor of Overburyhall, in Leyham, co. Suffolk, which Elizabeth late the wife of Robert Lovell esquire held of the king in chief in her demesne as of fee on the day of her death ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said Elizabeth until the full age of Humphrey earl of Arundell, her kinsman and heir, a minor in the king's ward, at a yearly farm of 201. ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said John Notte is bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Oct. 19.
Oct. 12.
Order to the escheator in the county of Buckingham to cause Edmund Rede, son and heir of Edmund Rede and Christina his wife the daughter and heir of Robert James, to have full seisin of all the lands which Maud late the wife of the said Robert held in dower or otherwise for life of the inheritance of the said Edmund the son, as the king has taken his homage and fealty.
By p.s. [3882].
Order to the escheator in the county of Cornwall ; — pursuant to divers inquisitions made by him showing that Katharine Jule was sometime seised of the manor of Wadevast in her demesne as of fee, and being so seised gave and granted the manor, among other things, (by name of Katharine late the wife of Roger Jule) to William Talbot her brother and the heirs of his body, by virtue of which gift and grant the said William was seised in his demesne as of fee tail ; and that afterwards the said Katharine (by name of Katharine Penhyrgard sometime the wife of Roger Julie) ratified the said gift and grant and released all her right and claim in the manor to the said William (he being then in possession of the same) and his heirs aforesaid ; and that afterwards the said William conveyed the said manor to the said Katharine to hold for term of her life, with reversion specially reserved to the said William and his heirs aforesaid ; and that William had issue Thomas Talbot, esquire, who still survives and is of full age ; and that afterwards William died, after whose death the right of the reversion of the said manor descended to the said Thomas, as son and heir of William, by virtue of the entail aforesaid ; and 'that afterwards the said Katharine died seised of such estate only, after whose death the manor descended to the said Thomas by virtue of the said entail ; and that the said manor is held of the king as of his duchy of Cornwall, as of his castle of Launceston, by service of a knight's fee of Mortain ; — to take the fealty of the
Oct. 24.
Nov. 5.
Oct. 25.
Membrane 19 — cont.
said Thomas and cause him to have full seisin of the said manor, as the king for 135. 4d. paid in the hanaper has respited his homage until Easter next.
Commitment to Richard Dunton, — by mainprise of William Dunton of Hadlegh, co. Suffolk, ' gentilman,' and John Benyght of Chattesham, co. Suffolk, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of the manor of Reydon, co. Suffolk, which Elizabeth late the wife of Robert Lovell esquire held of the king in chief in her demesne as of fee on the day of her death ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said Elizabeth until the full age of Humphrey (son and heir of John late earl of Arundell), her kinsman and heir, a minor in the king's ward, at a yearly farm of 16 marks ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said Richard is bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to John Curteys, — by mainprise of William Norwych of Norwich, ' gentilman,' and John Sydesden of Bishops Lenn, merchant, — of the keeping of a moiety of a messuage, 30£ acres of land, 9 acres of meadow and 10s. of rent, in Watlyngton, Rounton, Tottenhill, [Sechith] and Thorp by Shuldham, co. Norfolk, which is held of the king as of the honour of Wyrmegeye, and came to the king's hands by the death of John Glemesford, esquire, (who held the premises on the day of his death by the courtesy of England as in right of Margaret late his wife), and by reason of the minority of Katharine, daughter of John Curteys and Agnes his wife a daughter of the said John Glemesford and Margaret ; to hold the same from Easter last until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of the 14s. Id. at which the said moiety was extended before John Ryppeley, escheator in the said county, and an increment of I2d. ; as the said John Curteys, having agreed with the treasurer, has surrendered in the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 13 May 15 Henry VI, whereby the king committed the keeping of the said moiety to him from Easter last until the full age of the said heir at a yearly farm of as much as might be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Michaelmas then next to come. [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 326.]
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Richard Sturgeon and John Sturgeon, — by mainprise of James Kelom of London and William Swerenden of Boghton Malherbe, co. Kent, — of the keeping of a messuage in the parish of Holy Trinity the Less, London, which Elizabeth late the wife of Robert Lovell esquire held of the king in chief in
Nov. 7.
Membrane 19 — cont.
her demesne as of fee ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said Elizabeth until the full age of Humphrey (son and heir of John [late] earl of Arundell), her kinsman and heir, a minor in the king's ward, rendering yearly as much as may be agreed upon between them and the treasurer by Easter next, and maintaining all other charges incumbent on the said messuage.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Bekyswell son of Walter Walyngton, — by mainprise of Richard Waterton of the county of Lincoln, esquire, and Robert Peyton of the county of Suffolk, esquire, — of the keeping of the manor of Bekyswell, called ' Bekyswell maner,' and 300 acres of land and meadow in Bekyswell, Roxharn, Helgey, Dounham and Wygenhale, a messuage and 300 acres of land and meadow in the towns of Bekyswell and Roxham, a toft and 60 acres of land and meadow in Fyncham, called ' Combes,' a toft and 40 acres of land, called ' Walpoles,' in Roxham, and a messuage and 300 acres of land, called ' Sturmeris,' in Wodeton, co. Norfolk, which have been taken into the king's hand by bolour of a certain inquisition taken before John Clifton, knight, and Thomas Derham by virtue of letters patent directed to them and to others ; to hold the same from the time of the taking thereof until Midsummer next, according to the form of the statute published in the Parliament held at Westminster 8 Henry VI ; provided that he answer at the Exchequer for the issues forth- coming therefrom in the mean time, if they shall be adjudged to the king, and keep the premises in the mean time without waste and destruction.
Nov. 24. Order to J. archbishop of York to appoint some trustworthy Westminster, men of the clergy of his diocese to levy and collect in the said diocese the moiety of a tenth, payable according to the new assessment at the Purification next, which the prelates and clergy of the province of York, — after many discussions on suc- cessive days with the archbishop, who personally in his provincial council in the cathedral church of York, on 11 June 1436, with all possible diligence exhorted them to make a grant of a subsidy to the king, — from the warmth of the affection by which they were moved to perform the will of the king's highness, granted to the king for the defence and salvation of the church and people of England, and especially of the marches towards Scotland, and in relief of the unwonted pressure of the charges and needs of the king's majesty, from all their ecclesiastical benefices, as well spiritual as temporal, and from temporalities annexed to spiritualities, that are assessed according to the new assessment, with the following exceptions ; to wit, wholly excepting all priories, monasteries and benefices
1437 Membrane 18 — cont.
of Cumberland, Westmoreland, Northumberland and Copland for the temporalities and spiritualities annexed to the same in the said districts, and, generally, all monasteries, benefices, places and possessions within the province that have been destroyed by fire or flood, touching the truth of which the certificates of the ordinaries shall be accepted, excepting also all monasteries of poor nuns and the goods, benefices and possessions of the same, touching whom and their poverty the certificates of the ordinaries shall be accepted, and excepting all benefices with cure of souls assessed (according to the new assessment, and according to the old assessment where the new has not been made) at 10 marks and under, the curates of which do actually reside therein, ex- cepting also wholly, as at other times, the lands and possessions of the abbot and convent of Meaux which have been destroyed by the waters of the sea and of rivers, and the priories or monasteries of Watton and Shelf ord, and St. Michael near the town of Kyngeston upon Hull of the Carthusian order, with all their goods, benefices and possessions within the province, and the churches of Misterton, Topclyff and Brodesworth which are appropriated to the aforesaid cathedral church for the speedy construction and completion of the same, and excepting more- over, to a moiety of the grant, the monastery of Selby with all its goods, benefices and possessions within the province, and the prebend of Langtofft in the cathedral church of York. And answer is to be made to the king for the said moiety at the said term ; and the archbishop is to certify the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer by the said term of the names of the persons appointed by him.
Order in like terms to M. bishop of Carlisle. The like to the guardian of the spirituality of the bishopric of Durham, the see being void.
Nov. 28. Appointment during pleasure of William Boure and John Westminster. Welles as the king's searchers in the port of Newcastle-upon- Tyne and in all adjacent ports and places, to examine in person all ships and boats passing from and to the realm in the said ports and places, and to make search of all such ships and boats sus- pected of being laden with uncocketed or uncustomed wools, woolfells, hides, cloths or other customable wares, or with gold or silver in money by tale or mass or plate, or with jewels, and of any persons suspected of having carried into or out of the realm bulls, letters, instruments or processes, or any other things prejudicial to the king or his subjects, contrary to the proclama- tions and prohibitions made thereof in the king's behalf ; and to arrest all such goods and instruments as forfeit, together with the ships and persons carrying them, and to keep them safely until further order ; and to do all other things that pertain to the said
Nov. 23. Westminster.
Nov. 28.
Dec. 18.
Membrane 18 — cont.
office ; and to certify the king in the Chancery touching all that is done by them in this behalf, answering and rendering account at the Exchequer for all the forfeitures arrested by them. And order to all sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs, lords, masters, mariners of ships, and other the king's ministers and lieges, under pain of forfeiture of all that they can forfeit, to be intendant to William and John. By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated because otherwise below.
Appointment in like terms of the following in the ports and places named : — [Blank.]
Commitment of the office of the escheatry in the counties of Somerset and Dorset to John Stork during pleasure, so that he answer at the Exchequer for the issues thereof.
Order to all persons of the counties to be intendant to John as escheator.
Order to Alexander Hody, late escheator, to deliver to John by indenture the rolls, writs, memoranda and all other things relating to the said office.
The like commitments to the following of the office of the escheatry in the counties named : —
John Kelly of Suthwyk ; Devon and Cornwall.
John Holt ; Warwick and Leicester.
John Wygmore ; Hereford and the adjacent march of Wales.
Roger Fox ; Salop and the adjacent march of Wales.
Thomas Berkley ; Gloucester and the adjacent march of Wales.
John Wode of Kele ; Stafford.
John Bachecote ; Worcester.
William Stanlowe ; Lincoln.
William Calcroft ; Northampton and Rutland.
Christopher Conyers ; York.
Roger Wedryngton ; Northumberland.
John Skelton, esquire ; Cumberland and Westmoreland.
John Stathum ; Nottingham and Derby (vacated because
nothing thereof was done). Miles Stapulton ; Norfolk and Suffolk. William Whaplode ; Bedford and Buckingham. Richard Foster ; Cambridge and Huntingdon. Richard Drayton ; Oxford and Berks. William Ryngeborne ; Southampton and Wilts. John Kyrkeby ; Essex and Hertford. John Tayllard ; Surrey and Sussex. Richard Frogenhale ; Kent and Middlesex. Thomas Babyngton ; Nottingham and Derby.
1437. Nov. 14.
Nov. 30.
Nov. 30.
1438. Jan. 27.
Membrane 17 — cont.
Order to the escheator in the county of Gloucester ; — pursuant to an inquisition taken before John Langle, late escheator, showing that Alice late the wife of Thomas Paynell held 9 messu- ages, a dove-cot, 2 carucates of land and 6 acres of meadow in Little Dorsyngton on the day of her death in dower of the inherit- ance of John Rous son and heir of Robert Rous sometime her husband ; and that the messuages, dove-cot, land and meadow aforesaid are held of the king in chief by service of a sixth part of a knight's fee ; — to cause the said John to have full seisin of the premises, if they are in the king's hand by the death of the said Alice and for no other cause, as the king has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [3923].
Commitment to William Fallan, a baron of the Exchequer, and John Hunte, — by mainprise of John Jakes of the county of Essex, ' gentilman,' and Thomas Fraunceys of the county of Essex, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manor of Aketon, co. Suffolk, late of Elizabeth late the wife of Robert Lovell, who held of the king in demesne as of fee, the same being in the king's hand by the death of Elizabeth and by reason of the minority of Humphrey son and heir of John late earl of Arundell, her kins- man and heir, a minor in the king's ward ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of 40 marks ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and with proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said William and John Hunte shall be bound to pay such larger sum if they will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Richard Alrede and John Jakes, — by mainprise of John Hunte of the county of Suffolk and Robert Brandon of the county of Norfolk, — of the keeping of the manors of Westonhalle, Foxherde Halle and Brokehalle, lying together in the town of Foxherde, together with the view of frankpledge of Pentelowe, Weston and Lyston, the courts held every three weeks, a fulling-mill in Weston, and 38s. of rent in Buhner, co. Essex, late of Elizabeth late the wife of Robert Lovell, who held of the king, the same being in the king's hand by the death of Elizabeth and by reason of the minority of Humphrey son and heir of John late earl of Arundell, her kinsman and heir ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of 111. 6s. Sd. By bill of the treasurer.
Commission during pleasure to John Bedford and Patrick Skypwyth to levy and collect in the port of Kyngeston upon
Feb. 16.
March 5.
Membrane 17 — cont.
Hull and in all adjacent ports and places the custom on wools, hides and woolfells which is due to the king of his inheritance ; and to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said port ; answering at the Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
Thomas Wederby and John Goode ; in the port of Yar- mouth, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
John Tarn worth and Thomas Flete ; in the port of Boston, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Ralph Harple, clerk, and Thomas Herman ; in the port of Lenn, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Wederby and Robert Brandon ; in the port of Great Yarmouth, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
1437. Dec. 20.
Order to H. archbishop of Canterbury to appoint some trust- worthy men of the clergy of his diocese to levy and collect in the said diocese the tenth, payable a moiety of the tenth at the Annun- ciation next and the other moiety at the Annunciation then follow- ing, which the prelates and clergy of the province of Canterbury in their last convocation in the cathedral church of St. Paul, London, begun on 29 April and continued from day to day until 8 May last, granted to the king (over and above the moiety of a tenth payable at Midsummer then next to come [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 269]), for the defence of the church and realm of England, of all ecclesiastical goods, benefices and possessions of the province that are assessed and accustomed to pay to a tenth, under the following forms and exceptions ; to wit, ex- cepting from the grant and payment of the said tenth all benefices, goods and possessions of poor religious, poor nuns and hospitallers, and of other pious places of the province, and the benefices, goods and possessions of all religious and other ecclesiastics within the province whose monasteries, priories, places, goods, possessions or benefices have been destroyed, impoverished or excessively diminished by floods, fires, wars or other accidents, or in any other way ; excepting also all ecclesiastical benefices of the province which on account of their poverty are unofficed, and those unappropriated ecclesiastical benefices with cure of souls, assessed and accustomed to pay to a tenth, whereof the true yearly value in modern times is under the sum of 12 marks, or is extended at 12 marks a year and no more, wherein the rectors of the said benefices, the vicars, or other curates, by whatever name they be known, reside in person, or, if absent from the same, effectively pursue the study of letters in some one of the universities of the realm, having been sufficiently licensed there- for ; touching all which excepted benefices, goods and pos-
1(3 HENRY VI. 13
1437. Membrane 16 — cont.
sessions aforesaid the ordinaries of the places, as far as it concerns them, shall have certified the king in the Exchequer, whose certificates shall be wholly accepted, so that neither the ordinaries themselves, nor such excepted places, goods, possessions or bene- fices, or the persons occupying the same, nor the collectors of the said tenth, or of any part thereof, be vexed or grieved on that account by the king's writs or in any other manner, contrary to the form of such certificates ; and excepting also from the said grant and payment the benefices, goods and possessions of the colleges at Oxford and near Winchester of the foundation of William Wikham sometime bishop of Winchester, and the benefices, goods and possessions of all rectors, vicars and other beneficed ecclesiastics of the province who, after the day of the present grant, shall have been indicted for rape or any felony, and of those who hereafter, up to the term of the last payment, shall be so indicted, on condition nevertheless that the ordinaries of such indicted parties, by testimonials freely granted, shall have certified the king in the Exchequer, and the collectors of the tenth, by the terms limited for the payment thereof, of the honest conversation and good report of the indicted persons (especially as touching the article upon which the indictment has been made), whose certificates shall be wholly accepted, so that nothing shall be levied or demanded, by virtue of the present grant, from the indicted parties who have thus been certified ; provided nevertheless that no ecclesiastics (or their farmers) be obliged to pay with the laity to a fifteenth or to any other secular contribution for their goods, benefices and possessions (or for the fruits and pro vents thereof), for and of which the said tenth ought to be paid, and that if it be attempted otherwise, then such ecclesiastics (and their farmers) shall be excused from payment of the said tenth and in no wise be bound to pay to it at all, and that upon this they shall have writs from the Exchequer for their discharge without any difficulty as often as they shall need or it shall in any way be meet ; and provided further that if any collector shall certify the king in the Exchequer on his faith and oath that from the time of the present grant and before the last payment of the same he is unable to levy, or has been prevented from levying, the said tenth or any part thereof from the alien priories or other possessions, goods or benefices of the province, not excepted above, in whosesoever hands (of whatsoever estate, sex or condition) they shall be, and even if in the hands of the king or of the queen, then the collector shall be wholly discharged from the collection in respect of such goods, benefices and pos- sessions, and shall be quit in the Exchequer, and such levying shall pertain thereafter to the king and his ministers ; and provided further that the king shall satisfy the said collectors for the spiritualities and temporalities of cathedral churches and of others, conventual, regular and others, which shall be in his
1438. Jan. 30.
1437. Dec. 20.
1438. Feb. 16.
Membrane 16 — cont.
hands (or in the hands of his farmers or deputies) at the time of the collection and payment of the said tenth, or otherwise discharge and acquit them in the Exchequer without delay, and that no one succeeding in the said churches shall be charged to payment of the said tenth. And answer is to be made to the king for the said tenth at the terms aforesaid ; and the archbishop is to certify the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer by the octave of the Purification next at the latest of the names of the persons appointed by him.
Order in like terms to H. bishop of Winchester.
The like to the following : —
The guardian of the spirituality of the bishopric of Ely, the
see being void. W. bishop of Lincoln. Th. bishop of St. Davids. W. bishop of Rochester. R. bishop of Salisbury. Th. bishop of Bangor.
S. bishop of Chichester (vacated because otherwise below). J. bishop of Bath and Wells. W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. B. [recte J.] bishop of Llandaff. E. bishop of Exeter. W. [recte Th.] bishop of Hereford. R. bishop of London. J. bishop of St. Asaph. Th. bishop of Worcester. Th. bishop of Norwich.
The guardian of the spirituality of the bishopric of Chichester, the see being void.
Order in like terms to the abbot of St. Albans touching his exempt jurisdiction. Mittitur in extractis.
Commission during pleasure to Thomas Chalton and Hugh Dyke to levy and collect in person in the port of London and in all adjacent ports and places, after inspection of the merchandise, the subsidy on wools- and woolfells which was granted to the king, for the defence of the realm, in the Parliament held at Westminster 15 Henry VI, to begin at Martinmas then following and to last for 3 years, to wit, 53s. 4d. from every alien merchant and 33s. 4d. from every merchant denizen on every sack of wool and on every 240 woolfells going out of the realm by way of merchandise, leviable and payable in such manner and form as the
16 HENRY VI. 15
1438. Membrane 16 — cont.
subsidy of wool and woolfells was at the time of the said grant ; with proviso that oHhe said 33*. 4d. 20s. shall always be delivered by the treasurer for payments of the wages of soldiers and for the safe-keeping of the town of Calais, and to no other use, if so much shall be necessary therefor ; and that if any wools, woolfells or other merchandise of a merchant denizen, whereon any subsidy shall have been paid or surety made therefor, shall be taken by enemies or perished by the inclemency of the sea or otherwise, and this be proved by the oath of two credible persons before the treasurer or chief baron of the Exchequer, then the said denizens shall be permitted to ship freely, without any difficulty or new payment, as much wool, woolfells and other merchandise as that shall amount to that was so perished, lost or taken [Rot. Parl. iv. 503.] And the collectors are to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said port ; and to answer at the Exchequer for the moneys forth- coming. By bill of the treasurer.
Jan. 27. Commission during pleasure to Thomas Wederby and John Westminster. Good to levy and collect in person in the port of Yarmouth and in all adjacent ports and places, after inspection of the mer- chandise, the subsidies which were granted to the king in the Parliament held at Westminster, 15 Henry VI ; to wit ; (1) for the defence of the realm, a subsidy of 53s. 4d. from every alien merchant and 33s. 4d. from every merchant denizen on every sack of wool and on every 240 woolfells going out of the realm by way of merchandise, the said subsidy to begin at Martinmas following the date of the grant and to last for 3 years, leviable and payable in such manner